Keystone Korner enjoyed a hot summer 2024, Celebrated Todd Barkin’s 78th Birthday


Keith Killgo (l) and Joe Hall are the two remaining original Blackbyrd
members. (Photo by Timothy Cox)

By Timothy Cox,
Seventies Soul

Late Summer 2024 was a memorable one for patrons of Baltimore’s premier jazz lounge-restaurant, Keystone Korner.

In early August, legendary drummer Lenny White, graced the stages of the downtown Bmore venue, backed by bassist legend Buster Williams and pianist Benito Gonzalez.

An appreciative crop of jazz enthusiasts enjoyed the cool sounds of Leonard “Lenny” White and his unique percussive talents.

In mid-August, pianist Frank McComb brought his quintet to the Keystone as a live-recording date, that also celebrated the 78th birthday of Todd Barkan, the venue’s owner. Barkan was brought to the stage

and revealed a hidden vocal talent.

For two days in the second week of September, DC’s own Blackbyrds filled all seats inside the Korner, as they celebrated their final and 50th anniversary tour.

Todd Barkan, left, celebrated his 78th birthday this summer
while Frank McCombs performed on keyboards at the 
Keystone Korner.

It was the first time this writer had ever witnessed every seat inside the venue, filled to capacity – a total sellout. Perhaps owner Barkan should consider booking more jazz-fusion artists, similar to the Blackbyrds.

Original guitarist has Dementia, no longer performing

Original drummer and co-founder Keith Killgo, along with original bassist, Joe Hall, are the last two members of the original quintet who are still performing after a half-century of recording and touring success.

Original keyboardist, Kevin Toney, died earlier this year on March 18. He was 70. The band also received sad news two years ago, when original guitarist, Orville Saunders, was diagnosed with Dementia, according to bandleader, Killgo. “He can’t remember his parts anymore,” said Killgo after the Baltimore gig.

Saunders’ replacement is an accomplished DC guitarist named Charles Wright, 62 (same name as the Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band leader, but no relation).  The band also features a young George Duke-like keyboardist named Roberto Villeda, and a rocking percussionist named Sean Anthony, saxman Marshall Keys, trumpeter Thad Wilson and vocalist Paul Spires. Wilson and Keys played horn lines very similar to the Donald Byrd arrangements, thankfully so.

Killgo said the band will tour Germany and the UK, before calling it quits, later this year.


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